- Safely disinfect/sterilize tools/loops without water or needing to oil.
- UV Sterilizer Box
- Outside Measurements: 15.75" wide x 12" deep x 6" high
- Inside measurements: 12.5" wide, 9" deep, 3.5" tall
- Single Lid to fit all your tools for easy and thorough sterilization in the salon
- germicidal UV-C light(254 nm)
- Auto safety turns off UV when lid is opened
** the light needs to REACH every surface needing disinfection. If that surface is blocked(build up of dander or scissors are closed) it cant kill what the light cant touch. I use this as my in between dogs when i dont have time to wash/dry & oil blades. i slide blade open, blow out, place in uv box.
"The ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system is among one of the novel technologies that have been intensely investigated as an alternative to conventional disinfection procedures for killing pathogenic and spoilage in hospital settings. Currently, most UV disinfection devices primarily utilize ultraviolet-C (UV-C) radiation with wavelengths between 200 and 270 nm. At particular wavelengths such as 254 nm, UV-C light is able to destroy the molecular bonds and disrupt DNA or RNA via , causing death of a variety of environmental microorganisms. The UV-C device offers several advantages compared with standard room disinfection using traditional . These include germicidal activity against broad-spectrum organisms, shorter time requirement for vegetative bacteria, safety and eco-friendly without hazardous residual, saving costs such as labor and consumables, and relatively simple way to set up and operate in healthcare facilities., Additionally, disinfection of the surfaces that are frequently missed by cleaning staff or that are already cleaned manually but still contaminated due to difficult retention of disinfectant (eg. edges of tables). However, different UV-C devices varied in their performance and required time in inactivating microorganisms." this insert was taken from
Read article on effectiveness of UV-C light at wavelength of 254nm on virus
read article on effects of UV light on dust mites eggs
Read CTV article about Coronavirus & UV-C light